What Is A Guardianship?

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An individual in the United States is always supposed to be the sole person in charge of his or her money. That is the case even when bills are owed to other entities. However, there are a few cases in which a person other than the owner of the money is legally in charge of it. Such is the case with guardianship.

What is a Guardianship?

A guardian is an individual or an entity assigned by the court to represent a person who cannot represent himself or herself. The guardian is typically responsible for helping that individual run their personal, health and financial affairs. These responsibilities can include helping the person manage their living situation, as well as paying their bills, handling their medical affairs, and even shopping and overseeing their day-to-day activities.

Who Usually is Assigned a Guardian?

This kind of representation is usually provided for an individual because of his or her poor health, handicap, physical or mental incapacitation, or age. For instance, if the person or someone representing that person asks that a guardian be appointed to manage the day-to-day personal and financial responsibilities, a court typically will appoint one. That person can then get an EIN online and check the status of the EIN at any time. If there is no time for a hearing to approve or find one, such as after an unexpected illness or car accident, an emergency guardian may be appointed on an interim basis. That is because the court is hypersensitive to protecting that individual from potential harm, either as a result of his or her own actions, or because they cannot care for themselves.

In the case of a minor or minors, a guardian may be appointed if the parents are deceased, incapacitated in their own right, or incarcerated. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that every individual always has legal protection and representation in spite of their mental or physical health or age.

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